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Mobile and desktop users receive a better quality video viewing experience. Qumu Pathfinder knows who you are, where you are, and what type of device you are using.


库, www.库.com, the leading business video platform provider and a Rimage company (NASDAQ: RIMG), 今天宣布了.2 .趣目视频控制中心产品发布, 其中包括新的, 正在申请专利的“探路者”技术.  Qumu Pathfinder represents a breakthrough in guaranteeing all users of streaming video receive a quality viewing experience regardless of their location or device.  

让我们面对现实吧——高质量的视频需要大量的带宽.  有时, 你的目标受众很享受, high-bandwidth connections and are able to view just about anything, 现场直播或点播, 质量很好.  但, 就像经常一样, 你的听众都在路上, 在客户端工作, or using a mobile device – all circumstances that seriously impact bandwidth and video quality.   What if your video solution would automatically adjust based on these types of variances?  Introducing Qumu Pathfinder – a powerful solution for the preparation and “smart routing” of video and related business content like PDFs, 幻灯片演示, 以及其他富媒体.

“These days, everyone understands how frustrating it is when video buffers or cuts in and out.  We’re striving to make quality video available to everyone” said Ray Hood, 图像高级副总裁兼曲木总经理.  “Qumu knows the future of business depends on video being consumed anytime, anywhere – a Video Powered Enterprise means providing the Freedom to work with existing infrastructure; the Power to reach all audiences; and the Control to do it right.”

曲木探路者知道你的受众是谁.  它知道他们在哪个部门工作, their access 权利 and the characteristics of the network(s) they use.  It can adjust bandwidth allocations differently based on pre-set criteria defined for individuals or audience groups. 

Qumu Pathfinder understands where you are on the corporate network.  It knows whether you are in a New York, London or Singapore office.  它知道您在该位置的网络访问类型. It automatically selects the right quality level – bitrate – of the video that is suitable for your current network location. And it works with legacy as well as with all adaptive streaming formats to intelligently cap the maximum bitrate - preventing network congestion and interference with non-video traffic.

Qumu Pathfinder了解你的用户正在使用什么设备.  它知道他们是否在办公桌前, 在家使用iPad或其他平板设备, 或者使用智能手机旅行.  它知道各种设备支持什么视频格式, so they never get that annoying “video cannot be played by your device” message.  Qumu Pathfinder is flexible, with the ability to add new rules for the devices of the future.

Qumu Pathfinder automatically adjusts the type of video streams for audiences from tens to tens of thousands of members, 结合每个人的位置信息, 权利, 和设备提供最高质量的视频流. It supports both live and on-demand video streaming on virtually all device types. For live broadcasts Qumu Pathfinder supports transparent failover that ensures that the viewer continues to watch a webcast even when there was a failure along the video delivery route.

Qumu Pathfinder works seamlessly with the Qumu Video Control Center’s capability to simultaneously route to multiple CDNs. 这包括Blue Coat等企业cdn, 思科, 河床, 和Qumu VideoNet, 以及Akamai或AT等互联网cdn&T ACDN.


Qumu Pathfinder a technology embedded in the Qumu Video Control Center (VCC). 曲木VCC 6.2 is available today as software, hardened appliance, or as a 管理d service in the cloud.




库公司., 一家位于圣布鲁诺的影像公司, 加州, 是领先的商业视频平台提供商吗, 授权组织更好地吸引和激励员工, 提高生产力, 降低成本.  Video is pervasive – it appears in all business applications and is consumed on all devices.  The largest Global 1000 companies depend on Qumu’s video platform to capture, 管理, and distribute live and on-demand content with total reliability and security. Regardless of audience size, viewer device, or network configuration, Qumu simply makes video work. Only Qumu delivers the Freedom to work with existing infrastructure; the Power to reach everyone; and the Control to do it right.

访问 www.库.com


成立于1978年, Rimage Corporation (NASDAQ: RIMG) helps businesses deliver digital content directly and securely to their customers, 员工, 和合作伙伴.  Rimage’s Qumu business is a leader in the rapidly growing enterprise video communications market.  Rimage’s Signal online publishing platform automatically pushes secure mobile content to nearly any mobile device or computer.  曲木与信号, 再加上Rimage的世界级CD, DVD和蓝光光盘™出版解决方案, 使企业能够安全地交付视频, 文档, 音频文件和图像在今天的多平台, 无需多设备世界. 瑞玛在北美为成千上万的客户提供服务, Europe and Asia with industry-leading solutions that increase engagement, 协作和控制. 更多信息可在 www.rimagecorp.com.