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Live sports streaming is no longer as simple as watching a football or soccer game on streaming platforms. 今天, 观众对超个性化的需求日益增长, 增强观看选项和有针对性的广告,同时观看现场体育赛事. 根据德勤洞察, 近三分之一的球迷寻求个性化,以提升他们的体育观看体验.

提供个性化的体育直播可能具有挑战性, 但对内容提供商来说,好处是巨大的,包括增强用户体验, 增加接触, 粉丝忠诚度和留存率. 本文探讨了体育观看的创新个性化策略, highlighting the critical role of advertising technology and cloud-native streaming solutions in delivering highly personalized and monetizable experiences to millions of viewers. 


如今,体育直播非常受欢迎. A recent study from Kantar found that one in five new video-on-demand (VOD) subscribers is motivated by live sports. 但观众想要的不仅仅是基本的体育流媒体体验. 观众渴望高度个性化和与他们的兴趣相关的广告.

在体育直播中使用个性化可以增强用户体验, 提高观众参与度, 提高粉丝忠诚度,提高内容曝光率. 通过迎合观众的个人喜好, 内容提供商可以让体育流媒体体验更具相关性. 量身定制的用户界面让体育迷可以快速访问他们喜欢的球队的赛程, 比分和新闻更新. 当球迷有机会观看他们喜欢的运动时, 团队和队员, 他们对流媒体服务的满意度越来越高.

Content providers can tailor content recommendations and notifications based on user behavior to drive viewer engagement during live sports events. 事实上, 提供关于关键时刻的个性化提醒, upcoming matches or related news has become a great way to keep viewers coming back to the streaming platform, 培养与内容更深层次的联系.  更多的over, recognizing and catering to fans' interests breeds a sense of loyalty to the platform.

在体育直播世界, 先进的个性化算法也被用于改进内容发现. 体育迷可以毫不费力地探索符合他们兴趣的新赛事和联赛. 个性化的内容发现拓宽了观众的视野, exposing them to a diverse range of sports content beyond what traditional browsing might provide.


今天’s video service providers are embracing several strategies to improve personalization and enhance the live sports streaming experience, 包括多视图, 实时图形和数据, 一起看, 主题体育频道和游戏化.

Multiview empowers viewers by giving them the freedom to choose from multiple camera angles during live sports events. 与多视图, 观众不再局限于一个单一的视角-他们可以专注于喜欢的球员, 关键时刻和独特的拍摄角度——只要是他们最感兴趣的.

Utilizing 实时图形和数据 allows viewers to customize the experience by choosing which graphics and data they want to see, 包括最新的统计数字, 分数和其他相关信息.

有“一起看”功能, 观众可以与朋友和家人一起观看体育直播, 不论地理位置如何. 一起观看有助于实时互动, 同步回放和即时消息, 创造公共体验. 用户可以生成自己的观看组, 提高服务提供商的参与度,拓宽其货币化机会.

主题体育频道是一个为小众观众量身定制内容的机会. Service providers can cater channels to viewers’ interests in a specific sport, league or event. 这些专业频道策划的内容与观众的喜好产生共鸣, 加强对平台的忠诚度和联系. 无论是报道某个足球联赛还是主要的网球锦标赛, 主题频道提供个性化的流媒体体验.

游戏化元素为体育直播体验注入了交互性和乐趣, 允许观众参与挑战, 与体育赛事相关的测验和预测. 从预测棒球的投球结果到赛车的虚拟比赛, 游戏化确保了观众的积极参与, 为每个人提供独特的流媒体体验.


Increasing fan engagement and satisfaction isn’t the only benefit of personalizing live sports streaming content. 服务提供商还可以通过定向广告释放新的盈利机会. 个性化广告方法包括服务器端广告插入(SSAI), 频率上限和广告叙事.

SSAI technology seamlessly integrates personalized ads into live stream content and stitches the ads into the stream. 通过利用用户数据(如偏好), 人口统计和行为, 服务提供商可以实时插入相关广告, 提高观众满意度,减少广告疲劳, 同时提高广告的有效性和服务提供商的收入.

Frequency capping is an ad management technique that ensures viewers are not overwhelmed by repetitive ads. Service providers can tailor ad exposure based on user interactions to maintain a balanced and enjoyable viewing experience. 这种方法可以防止过度饱和, keeping viewers engaged and creating a positive perception of personalized ads – ultimately contributing to higher ad retention rates.

Advertising storytelling elevates the impact of targeted ads by delivering the ads to viewers in a specific order. The goal of ad storytelling is to create a cohesive narrative or message about a brand or product. The result is a memorable and personalized ad experience that enhances viewer recall and forges deeper connections with advertised products or services.


个性化的体育直播对于在当今不断增长的市场中保持竞争力至关重要. 通过采用云原生流解决方案, service providers can take personalization to new heights and explore additional revenue streams. 

基于云的技术提供了可伸缩性, real-time data processing and access to advanced machine learning required to fuel tailored live sports streaming experiences. 利用云原生技术,如SSAI, 服务提供商可以有效地为数百万观众带来个性化广告. 

利用全球云基础设施和具有地理冗余的流解决方案, 服务提供商可以确保高可靠的服务正常运行时间. Geo-redundancy is achieved by deploying a cloud-native streaming platform across multiple regions worldwide. 这对于实现直播体育赛事的广播质量正常运行时间至关重要.

在两地冗余配置中, AD插入服务器, 起源存储, 数据库和其他组件是跨多个区域(如美国)提供的.S. 东(北弗吉尼亚),美国.S. 西部(俄勒冈州),以及更多. 如果一个区域出现故障,流量将被路由到另一个活动区域. 基础设施工具,如流量管理器, Route 53和CloudFront可以用来实现地理平衡, 在最近区域的服务器之间分配用户流量. 这为每个用户的位置提供了更低延迟的内容交付. A geo-balanced architecture leverages the massive global footprint of multiple cloud infrastructures to deliver reliable, 低延迟 广告插入和视频流. 通过利用区域内的云基础设施, today’s leading cloud streaming solutions can guarantee service uptime while tailoring the content delivery location to each user's geography.

与云基础设施的集成, 创新如多视图和观看在一起, 以及尖端的广告技术, 体育直播使球迷能够在每一个激动人心的时刻处于最前沿.

[编者注:这是来自 谐波. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


在人与人之间的联系在2020年达到历史最低点之后, people flocked to online platforms like Twitch to fill the sudden void we were suddenly and collectively experiencing. 流媒体迅速发展,容纳了各种各样的激情, 从游戏到烹饪再到运动等等. 勒克斯Narayan, StreamAlive的联合创始人兼首席执行官, outlines the specific ways that streaming stands to benefit from a conversational atmosphere and offers actionable ways that streamers can implement these interactions to connect with their audience.


在今天的视频流媒体领域, the quest for effective advertising has led to a paradigm shift toward dynamic ad insertion (DAI). This cutting-edge approach enables advertisers to target specific audiences with tailored content, 最大化用户粘性和收益潜力. 随着流媒体行业的持续飙升, DAI是游戏规则的改变者, 有望增强盈利和观众体验.


成功实现体育流媒体的规模化, streamers must commit to delivering the best video quality and reliable and advanced experiences, 同时打击盗版. Simon Brydon of Synamedia breaks down exactly how to get all bases covered in sports streaming.


Altman Solon的Matt Del Percio讨论了他们的2023年全球体育调查, highlighting the current fragmentation of the streaming sports media landscape that has allowed sports fans to be "free agents" who pick and choose services to pay for and why broadcasters must now rethink their monetization models.

直接面向消费者的区域体育网络如何使用OTT & Android, Apple, Roku, Xbox的配套内容 & FireTV

由于游戏直播版权成本的飙升而中断, 改变观看模式, 消费者继续削减有线电视服务,转而支持流媒体平台, 许多区域性体育网络(rsn)正处于崩溃之中. Rick Allen of ViewLift writes about the innovative ways that RSNs have adapted with new models using OTT & Android, Apple, Roku, Xbox的配套内容 & FireTV.


Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems explores the crucial role that media content QC and monitoring plays in delivering live sports content to viewers and the significance of media content QC and monitoring as the final step in assuring high-quality streaming for live sports events.


Rekha Aramuthu Carriere of Amagi writes about the ways that launching a FAST channel can help sports teams achieve better engagement with fans and help monetize new opportunities
