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Viral Infomercials from JackStreet.com

JackStreet.com (www.jackstreet.com), a service of e-business solutions provider B2labs, has announced a new viral marketing tool. The company is promoting its Buzzcasting Network as a way to combine the best features of radio broadcasting, viral marketing, interactive customer service and transaction processing.

The system borrows the concept of infomercials from traditional TV — only this informational video pops up in a Web browser when requested. The streaming presentation offers answers to frequently asked questions and can provide product-specific information. According to the company, the BuzzBox offers further functionality such as live chat with the merchant, the ability to purchase immediately, as well as allowing the user to pass the video onto someone else.

"We've married something very old with something new, and something very new,'' says Errol Smith, co-founder of JackStreet. "Word of mouth is as old as civilization. People love to be the first to discover new things and the pride of a great new discovery is fulfilled, by telling others. For marketers this is good news because, normally, when a friend tells us to go check something out, most of us do."

JackStreet's Buzzcasting Network uses RealAudio8m, and has announced a strategic partnership with ADP, a payroll processing company, to promote the product to its network of small businesses. The company also announced strategic relationships, geared toward marketing, with Commission Junction and Microsoft.

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