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On the last day of the International Broadcast Conference (IBC) I met with Rino Petricola, senior vice president and international managing director of Front Porch Digital. 该公司可能是流媒体的新手.com的读者, but Petricola's story about the three m's of Front Porch Digital's strategy-Migrate, 管理, Market-fits nicely within the ecosystem of our readers' interests.

Front Porch Digital (FPD)是一家路易斯维尔公司, Colorado-based company that boasts a very large broadcast and premium content customer base. 在过去的十年里, it has served these companies with its line of migration products, digitizing videotape-based content via its SAMMArobot and SAMMAsolo products: In either manual (for small batches) or robotic (for large-scale digitization) modes, SAMMA线可以清洗, 数字化, 目录内容.

来自各大广播公司货架上的录像带,佩特里科拉说, "we can move this content into the digital environment using an automated workflow that's tried and tested in high profile installations. 自动化是关键, since many customers have both very large quantities of tape as well as a need to 数字化 to different mezzanine and archival storage formats."

一旦数字化, the company's DIVAsolutions production allow for storage across a variety of IT storage solutions. 基于健壮的Oracle数据库实现, which allows for the tracking of large file or "blob" movement from hard drive to RAM to data-tape libraries, the DIVAsolutions provide media asset management (MAM) for any number of digital files.

"DIVArchive and DIVAdirector are the cornerstone of DIVAsolutions,佩特里科拉说, 可靠地管理资产, while distributing content throughout the organization to the key systems and platforms."

One part of today's discussion centered on the broadcasters' ability to give up control of their videotapes, which have traditionally been housed close by to the editing suites, 如果之前的镜头需要重新利用,很容易就能到达.

Petricola and I swapped stories of having broadcast clients over the years who were concerned about the inability to touch the videotapes, 但他表示,这种模式最终正在转变.

“随着越来越多的内容从录像带转移到MAM, the broadcaster doesn't necessarily need to know where it's stored,佩特里科拉说. “我们使用HSM和其他文件存储和传输协议, 甚至机器人磁带库, to make certain the files are accessible at any time to any part of the production chain."

To fully allow for retrieval of content at a granular level-finding clips instead of just the file(s) that make up the entire videotape-Petricola agrees that a form of indexing, Search, 和检索(ISR)需要实现.

Most broadcasters do not run content through an ISR system at the time of digitization, as they don't yet see the value of having content Searchable at a granular level. 这种情况正在慢慢改变, 虽然, as the broadcasters begin to repurpose content for online video delivery.

“我们已经宣布与DigitalSmiths达成协议,佩特里科拉说, "in which content that has already been 数字化d and added to the DIVAsolutions MAM storage can be repurposed for online use via the third m-Market."

Content intended for online video use is run through DigitalSmiths' metadata generation solution, 他们的品牌名为“divappublish”.

“divappublish自动化了广泛的基于框架的, 为每个资产创建可Search的元数据,佩特里科拉说, "creating a 'metadata map' that offers detailed content insight into your media. DIVApublish also provides complete online distribution, scheduling, and in depth analytics."

This online distribution includes delivery to multiple screens, 无论是IPTV, 笔记本电脑/台式电脑,甚至手机.

比如DigitalSmith的VideoSense产品, 它是divappublish的基础, the solution provides access to multiple metadata tracks in a unique time-based, 元数据管理框架. The video tags generated out of these timelines can then be integrated with rights management and release scheduling to schedules a range of time that video content is available for delivery.

分析还允许用户监控, using metrics for discover whether programming of content and scheduling of the content is effective.

Add this trackable aspect to a variety of distribution models allowed by DIVApublish-free, pay-per-view and subscription-and it's easy to see where the concept of Market comes into play for the 3 M strategy Front Porch Digital provides.

"We're excited about the addition of Market to the concepts of Migrate and 管理,佩特里科拉说, "since we see this as a natural step in the evolution of broadcasting. 一旦内容被数字化, 妥善保存和归档, it's in the best financial interest of broadcasters to market content that would otherwise sit dormant for years."

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