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Since the early days of online video, various battles have been waged among competing video codecs and formats, 但是,这些战斗仅仅表明了支持所有在线视频传输的通用文件格式和支持专有格式的人之间更大的斗争. The most recent push for a 通用文件格式 is coming from proponents of MPEG破折号, and if the standing-room-only crowd at an MPEG破折号 panel at 流媒体 West earlier this month is any indication, its time may have come.

紫外线, which uses both a 通用文件格式 and common encryption, 由六家主要工作室和七十家成员组成的数字娱乐内容生态系统(DECE)提供支持,作为在物理媒体(光盘)和在线(数字下载)上提供电影等优质内容的一种方式。. As described in detail in a "是什么...?Jan Ozer的文章, MPEG破折号 是否有一种标准化清单(称为媒体表示描述或mpd)的方法,它正在逐步通过ISO批准过程. 


让我们来看看MPEG破折号和紫外线如何与两种目前使用的碎片化MP4 (fMP4)解决方案结合在一起, Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming and 微软 IIS Smooth Streaming. 理解这一点对于理解为什么我们可能正处于一种将在线视频传输扩展到电视观众规模的通用方法的尖端是很重要的. 而不是详细说明fMP4的技术细节,我将指出读者的技术学习 fMP4白皮书 which I authored for Transitions, Inc. 在我的 工作流的博客. 这篇论文, jointly sponsored by Adobe and 微软, 包含了关于fMP4技术方面的部分,以及每个公司在HTTP上碎片化交付的方法.

As Chris Knowlton pointed out in a recent post on 微软的IIS博客早在2008年底,微软就率先接受了碎片化MP4文件的使用. 当时, the use of fragmented MP4 elementary streams was a new and non-standardized concept, but 微软 rapidly implemented it in Smooth Streaming, 其中音频使用AAC和AVC/H.264用于视频压缩.

差不多在同一时间, 苹果公司也开始推动改进后的MPEG-2传输流的概念,并将其命名为MPEG-2传输流 Apple HTTP 在线直播 (HLS) 作为一种将音频/视频流传输到iPhone和iPod touch设备的方式.

微软将MP4文件片段用于平滑流媒体的想法非常简单, for a variety of reasons touched on in the white paper. 最基本的好处, 虽然, 它可能只是解决了HLS的资产管理噩梦:而不是为每个流媒体视频管理数千个小片段的位置, HLS的情况也是如此, fMP4方法允许基于时间码识别大型音频或视频文件的片段.


Adobe rapidly moved to adopt an HTTP delivery approach, 太, in its Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Adobe chose a different file format called F4F that is, as Adobe's Kevin Towes points out in a recent 博客, based on the fragmented MP4 file format. While Adobe used the same AAC and H.264 codecs for its fragmented MP4 approach, 它使用的F4F文件格式意味着它可以通过HTTP和RTMP传送Flash视频内容.

Because Adobe and 微软 chose to use the same fragmented MP4 concept, but to package them in different formats, 随之而来的是一些混乱. 我们在StreamingMedia.Com发现我们在问这样一个问题:在这些相互竞争的格式之间是否会有一个共同点. Turns out that was also on the minds of Adobe and 微软, but it 太k the emergence of 紫外线 to bring the issue front and center.


Prior to 紫外线, 微软 had proposed a format known as (受保护的可互操作文件格式),作为分割MP4的通用文件格式的一种方式. The idea garnered interest, but it was not until 紫外线 settled on a 通用文件格式—now referred to as CFF—that the idea of an interoperable format gained traction. 不管怎么说, the CFF specification that 紫外线 settled on is a published version of 唏, and 微软 has helped keep pace with the CFF by making the 唏 1.3 version directly compatible with CFF.

Once the 紫外线 CFF was published and agreed upon by the studios and DECE members, the next step was to look at a common encryption scheme. 紫外线选定了五种数字版权管理(DRM)方案,分别来自Adobe, Google, 马林微软和微软 开放移动联盟.

For all the work by Adobe and 微软, and the additional work by DECE on 紫外线, there had not been a collaborative effort to standardizing an fMP4 approach. 改变了, 虽然, 一旦紫外通用文件格式和五管DRM方案被DECE成员批准.

这让我们想到了MPEG破折号. DASH的主要目的是提议通过基于xml的清单(媒体表示描述)标准化基于http的内容交付, 或MPD, 用DASH命名法). 这样做的时候, DASH seeks to find common ground between the various approaches that Adobe, 微软, 和其他为fMP4创建的, 以及为苹果用于HLS的M2TS片段文件生成基于xml的标准化mpd的方法.

Alongside these media description manifests, 然而, MPEG认为采用另外两个补充DASH标准(但不是DASH标准的一部分)的建议是明智的:一个是通用加密集,另一个是通用文件格式(CFF)。.

MPEG wanted to base a standardized CFF on MPEG-4第12部分, ISO基础媒体文件格式,其原始基础是QuickTime文件格式. 而不是重新发明轮子, MPEG chose to consider existing 通用文件格式s, 选定了紫外CFF. The adopted MPEG CFF now means that 唏, 紫外线, and MPEG-4 use a 通用文件格式, fMP4的汇流,类似于 DVD论坛's 1995 interoperability specification, which allowed competing device manufacturers to create interoperable DVD players.

除了, MPEG reviewed 紫外线's five-pronged DRM approach, 如果等待批准,哪个将被称为MPEG通用加密(ISO/IEC 23001-7 CENC)方案. 从DRM的角度来看,主要的好处是CENC可以与MPEG-4第12部分 ISO基础媒体文件格式相结合, enabling fragmented MP4 to take advantage of DRM and elementary stream encryption.

这种在支离破碎的MP4解决方案之间加速向通用文件格式的转变并不具有普遍的吸引力, 但它为fMP4和M2TS解码的MPEG破折号配置文件奠定了基础,允许广播公司从几个专有的和基于标准的HTTP传输选项中进行选择.

我们还没有听到苹果公司的消息,苹果公司为MPEG破折号工作组做出了贡献,关于它是否会利用M2TS配置文件来取代MPEG破折号 .m3u8 manifests currently used in HLS, 但很明显,Adobe愿意考虑在其传统的Flash视频方法和基于标准的fMP4方法之间取得平衡.

In much the same way that Adobe has embraced a symbiotic relationship, 说到交互性, 在Flash和HTML5之间, it also appears Adobe sees the two-pronged approach for fMP4 as beneficial. And that's a positive step toward embracing a 通用文件格式 in the near future.

“任何加速发展的技术, 一大群人被激励去考虑改进技术的不同想法和概念,Towes在他的信中写道 博客 about the jointly sponsored white paper. “当你处于中间位置时,(广播公司)有很多选择。. . . . 我们试图帮助广播公司实现新的收入来源,而不管向哪个平台转播."

Flash Player可用的地方, we'll use RTMP or HDS to deliver world-class quality of experience, 加密和权限管理," said Towes in an interview for the white paper. "With other platforms, such as iOS-based devices, we'll do an equally good job. Adobe also sees the benefit of standards-based approaches like the Common File Format, HTML5和MPEG破折号.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Will 紫外线's Weak Takeoff Hurt DASH's Chances?


MPEG破折号 Specification is Ratified and Streamlined


MPEG破折号's Future: Unified Format or DASHed Hopes?

MPEG破折号 is a hot topic for the online video industry right now, but will it actually lead to a single format future?


MPEG破折号 is the latest hot topic in the online video space. 在这里,我们分析一下它是什么,以及它对未来视频传输的影响.

MPEG破折号: The File Format of the Future?

A 通用文件格式 for HTTP video delivery might be just around the corner, according to panelists at 流媒体 West